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Amalgamated Composition

Amalgamated Composition is a series of kinetic sculpture prototypes created from waste materials, with the intention of changing understanding and perceptions about waste. Using the idea of incorporating elements of fashion design and visual arts throughout the design development process makes the process unique. The patterns are based on human or garment silhouettes. 

At present, the sculpture is interactive, requiring the pull and release of a string attached to it to open and close.

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Rat Race

"Rat race" is Amalgamated Composition's debut collection. A set of three performative kinetic sculptures were developed and titled Run, Runn, and Runnn respectively. In essence, their names are satires on nature or on the concept of a "rat race" and the fear of competing. My designs are carved on the basis of human figures but not for them, displaying independence in the way they are crafted. It does not thrive on the combination of two dominant genres; instead, it evolves into a new, that is ready, ready-to-run - Rat Race.

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Through My Eyes

The sculpture is an abstract representation of the Himalayan mountain ranges. The use of translucent plastic gives the structure the required coarse effect and vaguely depicts the white snow and the blue tinge of the Himalayan Mountains.
Plastic bottles have been used to bring to people’s attention the carelessness and disrespect of people towards the sacred Himalayan Mountains.  My purpose in using plastic bottles is to recycle them and reduce their negative effects on the environment as Global warming is a concern to me with the disappearance of glaciers.
The melted plastic bottles give the sculpture a coarse surface that replicates the mountains' surface, while the transparency of the bottles represents the crystal clear water that flows through the mountains. Meanwhile, the use of white plastic depicts snow on the mountains, while the use of blue bottle caps represents the Himalayan landscape, owing to its associated hue.

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A Kind Apart

It reflects my tryst with two unique sub-cultures that have had a dominant shade on my life
EMO and RASTA - both liberal sub-cultures have invariably influenced the youth around the globe
While EMO is the magnification of the emotional in us;
Followers of RASTA pursued love, liberty, and independent expression
Building my point of departure upon these two forms of expressions my creativity is 
Not a rebel or an agent of change; the motive here has to do more with the affirmation and acceptance of PERSONAL EXPRESSION
Such is the independence depicted; that the basic form if my designs are not carved on the basis of the human figure rather the other way around
The colors are vibrant and the fabric unique
The motive does not build as a mere amalgamation of the two dominant themes; rather mutates into A NEW, that is not another, DIFFERENT but something that is a start

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